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Learning from The Power of Your Decisions to BE a Great Leader

How these 3 life-changing decisions helped me BE my BEST:

As a business leader, a huge part of your role revolves around making effective decisions.

The decision you and your team are making will eventually shape a new reality.

From small everyday decisions to those bigger challenges that may alter the path of your business success or failure down the line.

It’s a lot of pressure, but simply part of the job and many of you reading this will know a great leader needs to take the reins and make effective decisions in order to be their BEST.

Every single day you’re faced with challenges, opportunities and situations that will make you stop and think…OK which way should I go? What should I do next?

As human beings when we are confronted by choices it isn’t always easy to instinctively know what to do.

I always remember the old cartoons when you’d see a little devil appear out of thin air on the character’s shoulder egging them on and saying “Go on do it!”

No matter if it was clearly a terrible decision to make…

Then the winged angel playing the harp on the other shoulder pops up warning of the grave danger ahead if they choose the wrong path.

Being a business leader is like having those two on your shoulders constantly, neither is necessarily giving you great advice.

One represents overconfidence, cockiness, and recklessness…

The other is whispering in your ear about your worst fears and doubts.

Is this the right or wrong decision?

What if I make a mistake?

That unhealthy relationship with fear and anxiety can cripple you and start doubting yourself, no matter how much experience you’ve had.

Instead of thinking which decision is right or wrong, good or bad, more important or less important, the key question is: will it work? Is it workable?

In my recent article, How to Follow Your Instincts and Vision to Be Your Best
I spoke about the importance of listening to your instincts.

Following your vision and actually increasing your awareness will supportyou to make actually see what is there. As a result you will make more powerful choices, by simply seeing the challenge from all angles.

Because, while no one can see the future or ever truly know what kind of impact making a choice can have on the situation, what’s most important is that you’re always able to take away something positive from the experience.

You learn something about yourself every time you make a decision or a choice.

Reflection and understanding is a valuable skill to develop for a business leader who truly wants to grow and be extraordinary.

Your experience from what happens after you make a decision is perhaps more useful to you than whether or not it was right or wrong.

I can identify 3 moments that changed everything for me and brought me to a place where I can truly say I’m being authentically who I am and has helped me show others how to do the same.

I want to share those moments with you and show you exactly what I could take away from the experience that helped me to realise my potential and take my performance as a business leader, coach and human being to the next level.

Decision 1: Moving to the USA

Moving to a foreign country is not a decision most people take lightly.

You have a whole new culture to deal with, language barriers that test your practical and social skills to the max and you always have that “out-of-place” feeling like you just don’t belong there.

It’s uncomfortable and tests your confidence every day…but with time those things become less of a challenge and more of an opportunity.

As an exchange student when I was seventeen I went to an American high school abroad in Medical Lake, a small community outside Spokane.

I had to study and do a lot of homework in various subjects, all written in a language I barely spoke. Part of me enjoyed the challenge and the other kinda wanted to run away from it all.

I’d sometimes wonder to myself…

Should I stay or should I go back to Germany?

That question haunted me every time I felt like things were getting too much for me…but as time went on it got a little easier, more comfortable.

My persistence to stick with my tasks, as well as a deeply instilled confidence in myself and others, was being built throughout that year…

And looking back, although my family helped me financially and supported me while I was there, I still learned an important lesson about how to be self-sufficient.

I realised I could survive anywhere in the world, no matter the location or circumstance.

To this day I carry that strength into my business approach and coaching methods to help others understand the power of choice and ability to respond no matter what circumstances..

Decision 2: Joining Siemens

In 2002, after a year in the German Air Force and playing in a 7 nations tournament against the U.S.A., Great Britain, France and other countries, I decided to join the Management Accelerator Program with Siemens that enabled students to study, work and learn over four years.

At the end, we received a full university degree, secondary qualification and two years’ work experience.

It gave me solid business acumen and first-hand experience in all areas of business, from procurement…to sales…to marketing…to management and all these tools have made my career what it is today.

So if you have the chance to expand your knowledge and experience through courses, programs or seminars you won’t regret your decision. The most important lesson for me was to learn and seek understand first before always wanting to be understood.

I know finding the time to study can be very difficult when you’re trying to run a business and lead a team…

But what you gain from the experience will vastly help you BE YOUR BEST and contribute to your personal growth and connection to the others around you.

Decision 3: Becoming a sales and account manager

In 2013, I made the decision to become a sales and account manager of a software business.

In six years, we generated thirty-five-million dollars in revenue and contributed to one of the biggest infrastructure projects in Australia’s history.

This experience was probably the biggest life changing moment for me because it represented a huge turning point in my journey and equipped me with every vital skill I needed to BE my absolute BEST.

Everything I learned in my twenty years of experience as a sales and account manager…

I now use it to to empower business owners, managing directors and CEOs who want to take their business to the next level.

I do this by utilising the methods, techniques and skills I’ve accumulated from my extensive business career, as well as what I’ve learned from training with Tony Robbins, Landmark, Ben Harvey, Engenesis creator Ashkan Tashvir and John Smallwood.

I work with my clients directly, one on one, as well as with their teams, to discover what’s required at an end-to-end business level to unlock their full potential.

From there, I’m able to help them create results, such as increasing their revenue and reducing costs, while maintaining their commitment to make a difference in the world.

I sometimes wonder, what if I hadn’t made that decision to become a sales and account manager of a software business.

Would I still have the vast toolkit of knowledge I have now and still be able to make a difference in the world by sharing it with others?

In fact, without those other lessons I discovered… how to be self-sufficient and joining the management program with Siemens would I have reached that place where I felt confident to take the role of sales and accounts manager?

It’s all interconnected…experience and growth comes from understanding your journey to get where you want to be, just as much as knowing what your destination is.

I’d truly like to help you find your next level of performance and be the best version of YOU possible.

Let’s connect and have a chat to see where you are now and where you expect to be in the next few months.

Click the link to book a 1:1 Strategy Call with me to find out what is possible for you and receive a clarity map based on your specific goals, hopes and dreams. Or join the 60 min Group Masterclass to discover what is possible for you and your business here.

Yes! I want to BECOME MY BEST

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