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How to Follow Your Instincts and Vision to Be Your Best

Today, we’re going to talk about how we use action plans in both our daily lives and in business.

Having a plan is a good way to get organised, keep you focused and helps forge a path towards reaching your goals and ambitions both personally and professionally.

You’ve been told countless times from business gurus that plans are a great thing, especially when you’re trying to scale a successful business and manage a strong team.

Plans and goal setting helps you keep aiming higher, and contributes to the growth of your business to reach the success you’ve always dreamed of.

But there is ONE thing they don’t often mention…

How do you understand if the results of your planning are EFFECTIVE?

We’ve all got a plan in mind when we set out to start the day.

You might have a list of things to do written down on the whiteboard in your office…

Or have your Google calendar planned out hour by hour, week by week of what you should be doing, who with, when and where.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always found it interesting that we’re quick to write down our lists of actions we need to DO every day, month and year..

But hardly ever take note about each EFFECT those actions have had on our team and business.

Because the problem with planning is that it inevitably becomes a race to check as many items off the list as you can…so you can mark that as DONE.

And if you move forward, you think you’re making progress.

At the same time, that list never runs out of actions and gets longer and longer day after day.

So, you’re back to ploughing through the TO-DO pile once again without having that luxury of asking yourself :

“Is what I’m DOING helping me to ACTION and ACHIEVE MY RESULTS?”

The common approach today is:
To HAVE my company or revenue grow,
I DO need to hire more sales team members, make more calls or win more deals, so
I can BE happy when the company has grown

A key access to effectiveness is in the way of being.

If you think about it, we rarely say “DO a great human being” we say “BE a great human being” and “BE a leader”.

Maybe the real challenge isn’t in the doing but being effective with our actions and way of being.

The more effective approach today is:
I BE courageous
I DO take more risks
To HAVE my company or revenue grow,

What if there’s a choice, moment by moment, where I can choose to be a certain way?

For example, I choose to be responsible, generous, loving and forgiving.

So I reflect on that when I action-plan and set goals to take my business to the next level.

From a young age I learned you can do anything if you put every ounce of energy into it and remain dedicated.

After coming back from the United States, I dreamed about what it would be like to collaborate with people from different nations.

I had my plans in mind and to-do list on hand so I knew what had to be done to make this vision a reality.

But before I began checking off that list…

I asked myself, what would it be like to work, lead and collaborate with no boundaries? How could I increase my awareness of how I’m BEING?

I closed my eyes and pictured myself fully engaged with a global team, the different cultures, personalities and approaches coming together to solve some of the world’s most complex problems.

In 2010, I was working in Melbourne for six months, when I decided to follow my manager’s request to fly to India and lead a large team.

Next thing I knew, I was sitting in the back seat of a Jeep, driving through the streets of New Delhi.

We were about to submit a proposal worth hundreds of millions of dollars for internet connectivity that would provide millions of Indians with access to knowledge, training and information online.

After six weeks of leading more than thirty-five people from more than eleven different nationalities all around the world, we finally submitted the proposal knowing that our actions could be life changing.

We weren’t just checking off a list of things to DO. This was about understanding better how to BE COURAGEOUSto take the risk to fly to India and work with the team to create extraordinary results.

One of the biggest lessons in my life so far has been learning how to follow my instincts and vision.

Yes, action planning is an essential skill and tool you’ll need if you want to grow and scale a successful business…

But you must remember that to truly master effectiveness and get the results you’re looking for, you should ask yourself if my actions have been effective for the business and my team by creating the results I wanted?

Listening to your instincts, following your vision and actually increasing your awareness will help you to decide what to do next and how to tap into your being to be more effective and get the results you desire.

As a son, entrepreneur, managing director, business owner and member of our country and society, I’m interested in how the world actually is and not just my perception of it.

I want to know what my perceptions are and what I am not seeing, and what is in the way of me becoming the best leader I can be.

My one message for everyone when they are planning is to have them ask themselves these questions:

“How am I being, and is it effective?”

“How can I increase my awareness of how I’m being?”

That’s when you’ll shift from simply checking off your to-do list…to reflecting on how you are BEING, then your awareness will increase and you will see what is actually in the way of Being the Leader you can be.

It’s time to start making the most out of every moment you live to BE YOUR BEST and I’m here to help guide you every step of the way.

I’d like to have a chat with you, to see where you are now and where you expect to be in the next few months.

Click the link to book a 1:1 Strategy Call with me to find out what is possible for you and receive a clarity map based on your specific goals, hopes and dreams. Or join the 60 min Group Masterclass to discover what is possible for you and your business here.

Yes! I want to BECOME MY BEST

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