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8 Ways You Can Be an Inspirational Leader to Empower Your Team

PLUS 5 Ways to Help you Identify Your Life’s Purpose

If I were to ask you right now, what inspired you to become a leader…what would you answer?

It’s a role that not everyone can confidently step into…it’s also pretty rare for someone to just walk in off the street with no experience and zero interest in leadership to lead a team effectively.

However, I do believe that everyone is born to be a leader and your potential is simply waiting to be unleashed.

It is a bit like a rough diamond.

Everyone has the ingredients to shine – we all are like diamonds. But the challenge is to find out which edges to polish so we shine as a leader and are effective all the time.

The main motivation to embrace leadership shouldn’t be about concentrating power and control, because a truly confident and effective leader gives power away to others.

Your team looks to you for guidance and direction to allocate tasks and responsibilities, but a great leader knows how to empower their team to fulfill their higher purpose.

Ashkan Tashvir, the founder of Engenesis and creator of the Being Profile explains that like I have never heard it before.

You can read more about higher purpose by clicking here.

But what about those times when you feel less than enthusiastic about the days, weeks or even months ahead?

You know what I mean when you find yourself asking “What am I doing here? What’s the point of it all?”

We’ve all been there, especially when the pressure is on.

It’s almost impossible for a leader to live each day full throttle bursting with energy, and positivity and to almost be superhuman…that’s just not realistic.

But it doesn’t change the fact that your team looks to you as their leader for inspiration and motivation.

So if you’re feeling the spark has dimmed, how do you reignite that and get your creativity back?

How do you remain an inspirational leader even when the going gets tough?

Through habits or regular practices, you’ll be able to install a rhythm and structures that will enable you to reflect, review and raise your awareness on a daily basis, as to what and why things are important to you.

Inspiration usually shows up when you’re aware of what you want, why you want it and where you really want to go.

So here are eight key steps to staying inspired:

Actively define what’s important to you, write it in a journal/book, and reflect on it.

Clarify WHAT, WHY, and WHAT areas fulfill a vision that is bigger than your concerns for yourself.

Communicate these to your family, your teams, your friends, your co-workers, and your peers, and actively seek their opinion.

Make sure you allow yourself enough space to let your mind wander. Go on a 10-15 minute walk, or just sit outside in nature.

Enable an accountability buddy, someone who holds you accountable for the actions and results you’re creating and who will check in with you on a daily/weekly basis.

Explore scientific evidence from psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews, performance is influenced by three key actions: writing goals, committing to goal-directed actions and creating accountability for those actions.

76% of all groups that performed all three key actions reached their results, or at least got halfway there, versus the 43% who neglected to complete at least one of them.

Write down your goals, and create accountability.

But remember those goals by themselves aren’t effective.

It’s only when you combine them with intention and action, in alignment with your plan, that you make progress.

You might also want to consider how you’re BEING when taking action and creating your goals.

BEING responsible, accountable and having confidence will enable you to take more effective action, communicate powerfully and make relevant requests.

Your inspirations, goals and achievements help you determine something so vital to your way of BEING…

And that’s to discover what your LIFE’S PURPOSE is so you can BE your absolute BEST.

Based on my life experience as a husband, son, citizen of the world and someone who’s traveled and lived in more than three continents, I have experienced what works for me.

In Victor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, he states that,

“Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment.

Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is unique, as is his specific opportunity to implement it”.

For me, purpose is bigger than my own concerns for myself. It’s a calling, a request and a drive.

Based on my own qualitative research (12 months travel across Cambodia, India, Australia, Canada, Germany, Austria…) where I asked a selection of people about their purpose, how they defined happiness and what and why they took the actions they did…

I’d like to recommend the following five steps to help YOU to start to discover your life purpose:

1. Set a time period for figuring it out
It could take a day, a week, a month or a year, but set a date as to when you can definitively say what your life purpose is.

2. Purchase a notebook
30 minutes prior to sleeping, write down any activities during the day that gave you the biggest sense of fulfillment and achievement.

3. Figure out in which areas you get the most fun, excitement and enjoyment

4. Discover what you’re naturally drawn to
Find out what you want to create in this world and how you want to leave it.

5. Allow yourself to travel, explore and test your skills.
Say yes to a new skill every day or month, so you can continue to grow.

When you figure out what makes you shine, what inspires and motivates you, you’ll unleash your true potential as a confident and effective leader.

You’ll continue aiming higher and making great connections with the people around you and the world, making a difference and BEING the BEST YOU you can BE!

If you want to know more about how to be an inspirational leader and discover how to uncover your true purpose in life, I’m ready to listen and help you understand where you are now and where you expect to be in the next few months.

Click the link to book a 1:1 Strategy Call with me to find out what is possible for you and receive a clarity map based on your specific goals, hopes and dreams. Or join the 60 min Group Masterclass to discover what is possible for you and your business here.

Yes! I want to BECOME MY BEST

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