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Step 1: Leadership, Performance & Effectiveness Assessment

As an accredited Being Profile Practitioner, using one of the industry leading and most innovative assessment tools the Being Profile, Markus supports leaders, managers, and professionals to identify what out of 31 well-researched qualities to transform to take the performance, effectiveness, and leadership to the next level.

Step 2: One-on-One Leadership & Effectiveness Coaching

Throughout a minimum of 3 months, Markus supports leaders, professionals and team managers with the Leadership & Results Transformation Program to transform and shift the qualities that are required to take the next level in performance, leadership and effectiveness. After 6 months of coaching, progress can be verified in detail with the Being Profile assessment, which shows the chronological and transformation. This makes coaching measurable – apart from the actual results clients get, like Ben Hawley, a sales infrastructure leader, who has increased the revenue in 12 months by 10x.

Step 3: Team Effectiveness, Performance & Leadership Workshops

Depending on the requirements and assessments of your organization, team and yourself, Markus can design or start with a pre-existing out-of-the-box workshop to increase the organizational effectiveness, performance and ability of your team to lead, own and cause effective results consistently.

Step 4: Scale Impact Organization-wide

Empowering organizations and coaches with the training and resources to scale the transformational impact on their business and with their clients through Being Profile Practitioner and Thrive Coach Training as well as customized workshops.

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