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How to grow your business +30% as first-time business owner

How do you avoid failing with your business?

No matter, if you are starting new or if you are an established business owner, one area you always want to pay attention to is: how to grow your business.

Besides normal recommendations to invest in team expansion, structure, systems, and tools, one of the key ingredients is constantly overlooked: our way of being about it.

A lot of things can get in the way, mostly ourselves. Thoughts, feelings, and dialogues like the following can impact our business:

“I am not good enough”
“It has to be perfect”
“What will they think of me”
“I have to do to it by myself”
“It is not safe – I fear failure”

In this article, I explore what made the difference for Kristina, a first-time business owner on her journey of growing the business by 30%.

Click here to read the full article that we just published on the Engenesis platform:

Read the full article here.

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